
The tooth is nature's "safe" for your family's unique stem cells

Stem cells from teeth are mesenchymal stem cells

Properties of Dental Stem Cells

Stem cells recovered from teeth are mesenchymal stem cells [MSCs].

Saving Teeth For Stem Cells
Saving Teeth For Stem Cells

Saving Teeth For Stem Cells

Stem Cells in Teeth

The tooth is nature's "safe" for your family's unique stem cells

While stem cells can be found in most tissues of the body, recovering them often involves invasive, expensive procedures. Teeth represent a unique source of stem cells that can be recovered during routine dental occurrences such as the naturally occurring loss of baby teeth, planned wisdom tooth extractions and orthodontia. Hence, stem cell recovery is conducted as an adjunct to an existing dental procedure making stem cell banking both convenient and affordable.

The stem cells found within extracted teeth are amongst the most robust in the body. Stem cells are the only cells in the body that can regenerate and stem cells from teeth replicate at a faster rate and for a longer period of time than do stem cells harvested from other tissues of the body making stem cells from teeth an excellent source of stem cells for emerging regenerative therapies.

What are Dental Stem Cells?

Stem cells from teeth are classified as Mesenchymal Stem Cells [MSCs]. MSCs are particularly valuable in that they are endowed with both a high level of plasticity as well as immune modulation properties. Given that the tooth is one of the most complex organs in the body, it is no wonder that oral stem cells can be differentiated into a broad range of tissue types [plasticity] such as bone, skin, cartilage, pancreatic beta cells, muscle, cardiomyocytes and neurons making them an ideal source of stem cells for emerging regenerative therapies to increase healthspans, treat a broad range of disease, trauma and injury and, utilize in immune system therapeutic applications. In addition, stem cells, when coupled with advances in CRISPR gene editing technology, hold the potential to advance treatments and cures for previously incurable genetic disorders.

It is important to note, stem cells age along with the individual and over time, both their number and regenerative capabilities diminish. Hence, baby teeth and wisdom teeth provide an excellent source of stem cells when the cells are both young and plentiful. Using one's own stem cells for medical treatment virtually eliminates the risk of rejection by the body and the need for powerful drugs that weaken the immune system, both of which are negative but typical realities that come into play when tissues or cells from a donor are used to treat patients.

Stem Cells Reside In The Pulp of Teeth

Pulp stem cells are located in the pulp of healthy teeth and can be easily recovered at the time of a planned dental procedure (i.e. tooth extraction). StemSave's non-invasive procedure makes recovering your family's stem cells easy, convenient and affordable.

Tooth Eligibility Criteria

Baby teeth, wisdom teeth and permanent teeth with healthy pulp (fractured teeth and healthy teeth extracted for orthodontic indications) are all candidates for stem cell recovery and cryopreservation.

Properties of Dental Stem Cells

Stem cells recovered from teeth are mesenchymal stem cells [MSCs].

MSC's are a powerful class of stem cells with the ability to be differentiated into a variety of tissue types, such as bone, skin, cartilage, neurons, pancreatic beta cells, cardiomyocytes, and muscle [to name but a few.]. MSC's also secrete growth factors to facilitate tissue repair and contain immune modulation characteristics making them an ideal source of stem cells for emerging regenerative therapies to increase healthspans and treat a broad range of disease, trauma and injury.

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